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##BEST## Incursiuni In Creatologie - Anca Munteanu.PDF


Incursiuni in Creatologie - Anca Munteanu.pdf This book is not really a book it is a compilation of all the lectures and panels that I delivered and participated in throughout my Master of Science in Computer Engineering that I attended at ICT Guarani de Magurele, Romania. Introduction - computer magazine - The title of my thesis is "In cursuri de creatologie" in Romanian. For a brief explanation of the word "in cursuri" you can look for definitions in the dictionary. (link) "In cursuri" means "within a course". The title "In cursuri de creatologie" then means "within a course of creatology". For the sake of convenience, I will call my book "In cursuri de Creatologie" which is the same thing. The contents of my book are in the order of my master theses lectures and the contributions of the professors and other teachers who attended my lectures and my thesis projects. In order to understand the many faces of creativity, we need a certain number of subjects and we can not reduce the subject matter by trying to generalize it. Our effort to do so would be doomed to failure because we would be avoiding its limits and all the complexity that it contains. Creativity can not be grasped in a single lecture. It needs to be seen in the order in which it appears in the course of time. I think it is the most important lesson I learnt in my master degree and one that I would like to share with you. The aim of my book is to teach you how to learn this way. This way is based on a special type of conversation that I will refer to as "talk-conversation". The talk-conversation is carried on in small groups. The members of the group are very often those who will be the students of the course or the students of the special field of study. In other words, there is an overlap between the group of students and the group of instructors, and that is one of the most important conditions for a talk-conversation to be successful. In a talk-conversation, the learning takes place not as a formal lecture but as a conversation. For that reason, the group of students and instructors becomes a group of friends or colleagues who share a common goal. This is the ideal case. In the end, it is like a talk be359ba680

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